A series of 5 Augmented Reality filters where 2D and 3D zoetropes can be viewed in a live action environment.​​​​​​​
In the 1800s, before film cinematography was invented, several devices were used to delight audiences with the illusion of motion, created by the fast displaying of images. I studied the principles of one of them, the zoetrope, and translated them into the present using a next generation medium like Augmented Reality. To enjoy them in your room, a street where you are walking, or wherever you are - just scan the QR code you can find below every example video with your smartphone camera (or click on the links if you are already on mobile). You will be redirected to a dedicated Instagram Effect from my IG account and by pointing the rear camera of your phone you’ll be able to position the rotating 3D models in the environment, and create photos and videos. Based on the context, the zoetropes could appear minuscule or extra large, an interesting feature for all types of AR content.
For Zoetrope #2 I also created an Adobe Aero version:
AR Zoetropes


AR Zoetropes
